Russia launches tariff retaliatory measures against EU products


The government of Vladimir Putin will apply additional tariffs ranging from 25% to 40% to EU products and warns against new sanctions.


Russia announced Friday the application of additional tariffs to a series of US products, and announced that it was preparing further measures in retaliation against US customs barriers to steel and aluminum,

"Countervailing measures are taken in the form of additional tariffs ranging from 25 to 40% of the price of the product," said the Minister Russian economy Maxim Oreshkin in a statement. he estimated the expected profit for Russia at $ 87.6 million.

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With these measures, formalized by the signing of a decree by the first Russian Minister Dimitri Medvedev, the authorities in part compensate for the $ 537.6 million losses due to US tariff barriers.

The rancor of Moscow will be "similar to those that are also manufactured in Russia," said the Russian Minister of Economy.

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Russia plans to introduce these rates before 2024.

The Russian government, along with other countries, presented at the end of June, a World Trade Organization (WTO) resource to respond to Washington's imposed taxes on aluminum imports and imports. # 39; steel.

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