Russian Communists Stop the Day of the Dead Parade on Moscow Red Square


A group of Mexican fans in Russia was forced from to suspend a parade with the theme of Day of the Dead which will take place today on ] Moscow Red Square because of the complaints of the party "1945 Russian Communists" that argued that it was inconceivable that the event be held so close to the grave of Lenin

"The dead are not played," says the group. "A Mexican" scoundrel "would have passed in front of the most respectable necropolis of the country, wearing skeletons jumping, dancing," told AFP Sergei Malinkovich, a spokesman for the party [19659003] fbl-wc-2018-feature_62879043.jpg ” src = “http: //www.eluniversal. “style =” largeur: 441px; hauteur: 294px; “/>
(Photo: AFP)

In addition to Lenin there are other great figures of the former Soviet Union buried at the foot of the Kremlin as the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin or even Stalin behind the mausoleum of the leader of the October 1917 Revolution [19459005

"Of course, we are sad, we really wanted to organize this parade," said Aliona Savelieva, representative of Casa de México opened in the Russian capital at the beginning of the world The Day of the Dead is one of the great national holidays. xicans a tribute to the deceased full of colors, music and food, celebrated the days 1 and November 2 throughout the country.

For television journalist Andrei Malossolov, the presence of Lenin's mummy might surprise others. "The Communists have precisely a death without guts in the mausoleum," he commented on Facebook

The Day of the Dead could finally take place inside the Casa de México with participation of about 80 people.

(Photo: Luis Cortes / El Universal)

(Photo by Luis Cortes / El Universal)

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(Photo: Luis Cortes / El Universal)

Thousands of tourists turned to Russia on the occasion of the World Cup and the atmosphere of Moscow is festive, with no recent incidents of remarkable security.


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