Sale to the Court approved of the property in Tulum: Sedatu [Estados] – 07/07/2018


Mexico City – The Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) affirmed yesterday that the cheap sale of a Caribbean property was the decision of a court on the property. evaluation made by the Indaabins. The Sedatu sold a plot of 262 hectares at a bargain price to Vicente Francisco Cetina Novelo, who immediately resold it.

The amount was set by the Institute of Administration and Expertise of National Assets (Indaabin) who determined the value of the land. in 61 million pesos. An expert of the PGR, however, evaluated it last June in thousand 239 million pesos. He asserted that the Secretariat could not disregard the decision of a court where Cetina was favored, so the property was sold, with the price set by Indaabin

"These valuations are mandatory for Sedatu. "

Meanwhile, the anti-corruption group PAN Caucus of the Upper House and independent Senator Martha Tagle called for the opening of an investigation into the auction, and Sedatu became aware.

"Why is this value auctioned? The PAN anti-corruption group is now asking for an investigation and we will see under what conditions the sale took place, "said Senator Marcela Torres.

Alberto Anaya, Labor Party national leader, said the next administration will sanction Sedatu by auctioning a property in Quintana Roo at a price 20 times lower than the value.

"We believe that we must change, there must be a change in the laws. We believe that the framework itself must be changed today, that corruption be punished energetically. We must ensure that the Ministry of the Public Service fulfills its role and that corruption is effectively ignored. Otherwise, the problem will not end. "


" The General Manager of the Rural Property in Sedatu, Mario de la Fuente, said yesterday that the property located in the Cancun-Tulum Road has undergone an expensive titration procedure, initiated by Cetina since 1998. He explained that the property had a title in the name of Federico López Pacheco and the court ruled that it was false, favoring Cetina.

»« We only determined ourselves it was determined by the 44th Unitary Agrarian Court of Chetumal, in a decision of April 22, 2013, "he explained. As a result, Cetina followed the titration process.

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