Samantha Terán, Sovereign of Gold at the JCC


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Barranquilla.- The first time Samantha Terán left a squash court after playing, she promised that defeat would not be a constant in her life and she did. The capital yesterday became the Mexican with more gold medals in the Central American and Caribbean Games, after passing tapatista gymnast Cynthia Valdez.

Terán won the gold medal for teams in squash, reaching 15 in his Career in Central America, which began in San Salvador 2002.

Throughout his career in the games from the region, the athlete made the Mexican national anthem an exclusive at the end of his tests. the record is important, but what really fills me with pride is that my sport is monopolizing attention and more and more people are turning to see it not just as a show but as an activity

Terán said by phone Cali, the sub-site of the Games.

Samantha arrived in Colombia with 13 gold medals. He added the fourteenth to dominate the individual event and won silver in the women's doubles.

"A lot of people ask me if it did not get me frustrated not to earn duplicate gold and the truth is that it's the opposite. It is a medal that fills with pride because we are not specialists and we lost with the Colombians, who are dedicated to this modality.

Terán played against 16-year-old Dina Anguiano, whom the capital considers his successor 19659002] "I identify a lot with Dina. The medal with it has a lot of value and symbolism because it represents the old school and the new generation of squash.

"My first participation in a major tournament was at the age of Dina." The fifteenth golden metal finally arrived yesterday for the capital, by women's teams. "Life gives me the opportunity to enjoy this success."

"It was at the end of Veracruz 2014 when they told me that I was approaching most of the gold medals. The truth at that time was very far away because four years for an athlete, it is long.

"I promised myself not to look at this and try to heal my wounds to maintain my career and, despite everything, I have been hurt this time, that's why these achievements are very important to me, but I repeat, the most important thing is that they are for Mexico. "

Samantha will remain in the World Tour because she is excited to participate in February of next year's first professional tournament that will distribute a million dollars in the stock market.

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