Samsung Galaxy Note 9 may come in yellow, here's what it might look like


Galaxy Note 9 in soft yellow? Of course, but it's not the shade of yellow that we had imagined that Samsung would use. And here's why …

After so many leaks of Galaxy Note 9 over the past few months, Samsung has finally set a date for the much-anticipated "Unpacked" event where Note 9 will be revealed – August 9

As usual, the company teased us with a short video, this time highlighting the S-Pen, which is supposed to bring a number of improvements over previous models, but there is something else that has caught our attention. The color of the stylus that has been shown in the teaser video. On seeing it, the first thought that came to mind was:


It's obviously yellow, but take a closer look. It has this dirty quality and it has nothing to do with the "Gold" colors that we have seen on the Galaxy S7, S8, S9 and Note 8. It seems a lot more saturated and garish, but this is not the case. is not what bothers me. It does not seem that the "pure" yellow is what makes it weird. In fact, many people would compare this color unfavorably to some body fluid, but this is probably only an illusion.

After giving the video a second watch, it became clear that this is probably due to the rendering technique used to create it. Notice the deep blue background against which everything is going. The S-Pen shown in the teaser is actually a 3D model, and as such, it is composed of different materials that have different reflective properties. The slight greenish hue on the S-Pen is probably the result of the 3D model reflecting part of this blue background, which creates a green dominance on the S-Pen itself. But anyway, we thought we were going to see what a gaudy yellow Note 9 would look like, so we took what we saw in the teaser and created new renderings.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 rendered in yellow next to images taken from the official teaser of the event "Unpacked"

Just look at this "yellow" [19659008] Blue & # 39; clicker & # 39; = blue frame?

What's more interesting is that the "clicker" of the S-Pen is blue, while the rest is yellow. This could potentially mean that Samsung is preparing a version of Note 9 with a yellow and blue frame. If you look at previous Samsung devices with S-Styl, the clicker part of the pen has always had the same color as the camera image. Does this mean that we get 100% blue and yellow Galaxy Note 9? We can not be 100% sure at this point, but looking at the previous designs, it's actually possible, so we decided to visualize this possibility too.

We got rid of the green hue that was present in the video teaser and tried to visualize what a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 blue and yellow would look like under neutral lighting. We also made a rendering all in yellow (except for the S-Pen clicker)

We also tried to get rid of the green dominant that was present in the video and our renderings with the blue background, and tried to imagine Instead a Galaxy Note 9 with a yellow back could look like under a bright white light. It certainly looks better without the greenish hue, but we can not be sure if that is what Samsung has in mind for the new color option.

But anyway, are you interested in a yellow Samsung Galaxy Note 9? What do you think of the color shown in the teaser? Do you like it, or would you prefer to have yellow and / or gold? Tell us in the comments below?

Disclaimer: The images presented in this document have been produced by PhoneArena and are based on preliminary information on the respective device (s), including live shots and pictures of device (s) or their accessories. As such, the images found here may not be entirely representative of the final design of the device (s).


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