Samsung sees challenges with artificial intelligence


LISBOA – Young Sohn, president of Samsung, said Tuesday that technology companies have an obligation to make artificial intelligence (AI) accountable and know how to differentiate between what is right and what does not. ;is not.

Sohn said that artificial intelligence will dramatically change the world and transform the entire industry, but admits that one of the challenges that this technology is facing is "ethics."

"I think we have an obligation to make him accountable, to see what is right and what is not and not to abuse our privileges," he said.

Sohn considered that there was currently a "perfect storm" for the growth of artificial intelligence, in a context in which the amount of information available was stopping to increase But he admitted that it was not easy to predict the impact that she would have.

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"Are you going to create more or less jobs? I have no answer.The responsibility lies with our business, yours, consumers and governments," said the president of Samsung Electronics.

Among the benefits of AI, there is the cost reduction. He cited as an example the use of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry, with the development of sensors that will enable safer autonomous driving, and called "patience" to those who wonder when this technology will be available.

"The smartphone did not come out overnight," recalled Sohn, who said that Samsung maintained the commitment that the information would continue to belong to the users and not to the company.

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