Saudi Arabia Bans 47 Matches for Suicide of 2 Children


A horrible challenge that ended in a terrible tragedy, but can you blame the video games for that?

As reported by the Associated Press, Saudi Arabia banned de facto 47 video games (including Grand Theft Auto V Assassin's Creed 2 ] and The Witcher ) after the suicide of a 13-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy . This was decided by the Saudi Broadcasting Commission, which deemed it appropriate to remove these video games from circulation for violating the laws and regulations of the country, although they were not explained. exactly . macabre, two suicides and 47 forbidden games

The death of the children occurred after finishing with the "Blue Whale Challenge" a series of 50 tests that go watching movies of Night horror, or inflict injury and end the last task: commit suicide. In this macabre "game" we accept a series of standards that stipulate to perform each of the video recording tasks, and not to do so, the participants are subject to harassment and pressure from the "head of the game" who watches over his accomplishment .

These 50 tests were designed by a 21-year-old Russian Philipp Budeikin, who encouraged 18 young people of his own nationality to perform the tasks requested. "social cleansing", in his words: "to distinguish normal people from biological waste". However, the connection of this game with the 47 video games that have been banned in the country is not clear, so is difficult to understand the decision of the competent authorities . did they lead to the ban Assassin's Creed 2 ? GGlitch

Video games as "the Axis of Evil"

You have already read many times that video games are addictive, says now supported by the WHO, that playing too much at certain types of titles may endanger our mental and economic health, or that video games incite violence or are responsible for school failure . But surely nobody has bothered to explain to you that the problem is not to play on the console or on the PC, but how, how much and in what way we do it

It is very necessary to educate differentiate what it is true, if you have never touched a fly, you are a person who knows perfectly how to relate to others and you have a Respect-based education makes it virtually impossible for video games to reach you to change . Another thing occurs when people most susceptible to self-encapsulation, due to depressive episodes or any other type, take the via the game as a flight to reality [19659009Coulditbethatwewerenoteducating?todifferentiateafantasygamefromreality?MobyGames

What was a means of entertainment, now becomes a source of more "dependence" for good or rather, to invent an uncomfortable reality and forget the problems. With this I do not blame the lows themselves, but our small capacity as human beings and as a society to know what suits us or what does not suit us in certain moments. There is no point in blaming a video game for my economic ruin if I do not put means (or do not put any means) to prevent this from happening

Prohibit is not the solution, educate

in the case that concerns us, ban 47 video games for a case of suicide of two minors is, at least, very disturbing. With news of this kind, we continue to insist that the various titles of the industry are an "Axis of Evil" conspiracy created to end our reasoning ability .

Preventing children from spending too much time alone or without supervision is essential. Porttada

In this case, the ban could be more justified when we meet with minors between because at certain ages we are all more likely to want to imitate what we see, both in reality and fiction, especially if we have not been educated to put boundaries between the real and the imaginary. But in this misfortune we forget a fundamental thing: there is a macabre challenge through social networks which puts pressure on its participants

So, the important thing about this question is the need to know how to educate a human being so that he learns to wonder if what he hears, sees, reads or listens to is logical or valid. That two children end up committing suicide for throwing the "Blue Whale Challenge" only makes me think of two things : did they think that doing that was good? Why did not they say anything to their parents?

Understanding this situation in Saudi Arabia is very complicated

The answer is simple: a lot of social pressure of these "black hands" who handle the daniño son "game". There have already been a lot of participants who started this challenge "out of curiosity" and seeing that the latest tests involved more serious acts, they decided to stop, but not before starting to receive a series of threats for end the game. Would not it be better to discourage young people from practicing this challenge or limit their exposure to social networks than to ban 47 video games?

To worry about the daily life of our children is essential to avoid harassment Bekia Padres

A "strange" decision, but necessary?

Perhaps we will never understand why Saudi Arabia has banned 47 specific games although I dare to say that, probably, some have similar content to that of the tests that appear in the "Blue Whale Challenge", so this form would prevent children from attending content that does not suit their age. Or perhaps the competent authorities consider that the "games", digital or real, represent a potential danger for young people in their country, and have withdrawn them, acting accordingly . it will never happen again

The reality is clear: we need a little more common sense in our society a little more calm, a little more calm, and most importantly, a good help of self-critical and analytical capacity. This world is neither right nor perfect nor good, so it is our duty, and that of the governments, to educate future generations so that such a case will never happen again whether in country that is.

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