Google Docs is not the first thing that comes to mind when doing a job or a test. However, those of Mountain View seem to want to change that with their new intelligent grammar checker .

Powered by artificial intelligence, this new element will correct grammatical errors that would occur unnoticed in any other desktop program, such as improper use of commas, incorrect times, and d & # 39; Other omissions of which we may be victims when writing a text.

Google Vice President of Product Management G Suite, David Thacker said at a press conference before the announcement, according to TechCrunch :

We have adopted a very effective approach to grammatical correction based on machine translation. For example, in language translation, you take a language like French and translate it into English. Our approach to grammar is similar. We take inappropriate English and use our technology to correct it or translate it into good English. The good thing about this is that language translations are a technology of which we have a long history of good results.

However, since Google offers this tool only to businesses and businesses, not all users will be able to use it at the moment. On the other hand, we still need to confirm the languages ​​in which we can use this feature.

Google said that this tool will be driven by artificial intelligence . Something similar we can see in the Grammarly extension for Google Chrome, but if you want all the features of the extension, you will have to pay a monthly fee. However, now it is Google itself that runs it.

Up to now, there is no knowledge of how this type of artificial intelligence works, but we know that Mountain View is good in words. A few years ago, Google claimed that the language used in its translation technology was already reaching human levels so probably the correction tool would be based on that.