Science tells us what causes the sound of a leak


The "plinc, plinc" produced by the dripping of a faucet or a leak in the ceiling is a recognizable sound and certainly one of the most irritating to many, and of which there was no explanation of its origin until now.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge, led by Anurag Agarwal director of the Acoustic Laboratory at the University, found a simple solution to eliminate the noise

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A friend unveiled by a flight

Agarwal decided to investigate the sound of drops after visiting a friend who had a leak on the roof.

"The next day, I talked to my friend and another academic, and we were all surprised that no one answered the question of what caused this sound. "

To investigate the original, Agarwal designed an experiment with Peter Jordan, of the University of Poitiers and the student of engineering department Sam Phillips. radars a microphone and a hydrophone to capture the sound of droplets falling into a water reservoir.

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Air bubble

The research, published in the journal Scientific Reports, discovered that the sound produced by a drop of water hitting a liquid surface it is not caused by it, but by the oscillation of a small bubble of air trapped under the surface of the water.

So that the "plink" is Significantly, the trapped air bubble must be near the bottom of the cavity caused by the impact of the fall. Then, the bubble causes the oscillations of the water face in the lower part of the cavity, acting as a piston that drives the sound waves into the air. This is a more efficient mechanism by which the underwater bubble conducts the airborne sound field than previously suggested.

also see: Video: Drops falling on the sand in slow motion

The solution to torment

] For the "plinc" to be distinctive, the trapped air bubble must be near the bottom of the cavity.

Scientists say that to eliminate the noise, it is enough to change the surface tension of the surface of the liquid, for example by adding dishwasher or soap.

Anurag Agarwal assured that the research could help find more effective ways to measure rain or develop a synthetic sound of water droplets for video games and animations

<img class = "aligncenter "src =" "alt =" 19659027] Source:

Scientific Reports ] / The tap is driven by resonant oscillations of a trapped air bubble

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