Scientists discover "culprit" of lack of sexual appetite – Second to second – Chihuahua News


The lack of sexual appetite could come from kisspeptin, a hormone discovered less than 25 years ago, known as the "master regulator of reproduction".

This hormone controls the production of sperm and ovaries and can have a significant impact on our mood.
Kisspeptin is secreted in the hypothalamus and placenta; its receptors are distributed throughout the body and are encoded by the gene 'Kiss1', which plays an important role in the suppression of metastases of breast cancer and melanoma in humans.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight published a study by scientists at Imperial College London, who discovered that this hormone can improve certain circuits of our brain associated with sexual behavior and our mood.

Waljit Dhillo, a researcher and professor of medicine at Imperial College, pointed out that this discovery opens the possibility of treating depression from a different point of view.

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