Scientists discover herpes strains linked to Alzheimer's disease


People with herpes seem to have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. That's what scientists have discovered.

According to the publication of the geriatric clinic of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Salvador Zubirán, it is estimated that Alzheimer's disease will have 115 million people with dementia worldwide. here 2050.

According to a study by Mount Sinai's Institute for Next Generation Healthcare, they found rates twice as high as the herpes virus in people with Alzheimer's disease.

The study was conducted with 600 samples of deceased persons and four brain regions analyzed, this with the aim of determining whether there existed in the brain similar genes associated with Alzheimer's disease.

However, they found significant incidence in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients, two strains of herpes, types HV6 and HHV7.

These types 6 and 7 herpes strains are more common in children from 6 to 24 months old, with symptoms such as a high fever for more than seven days, then a rash on the torso, arms, legs, back and face for a few hours. This type of herpes is also called pink-cola and is transmitted by secretions of the airways.

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