Scientists reveal food that can prolong life


DRAFTING .- Regular consumption of fish and polyunsaturated omega-3 long-chain fatty acids can reduce the likelihood of premature death, according to a study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

The authors of the research supervised the lifestyle and feeding of 240,729 men and 180,580 women for 16 years, during which time they all consumed different amounts of fish per day.

After observing the results, the researchers concluded that consuming more fish reduced the possibility of premature death by 9% and death by cardiovascular disease by 10%. Women, on the other hand, reduced the death rate by 8% and mortality by Alzheimer's disease by 38%.

In addition, scientists point out that regular consumption of fish reduces the likelihood of death from Alzheimer's disease. Liver diseases, cancer and acute respiratory diseases. However, specialists advise to consume fish without frying it, because in this case it can lose its healthy qualities.

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