SCJN Rejects PGR Appeal Against Ayotzinapa Case Truth Commission


Within three days, the Office of the Attorney General (PGR) and the Federal Executive must declare before the Unitary Court of the nineteenth circuit, with residence in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, the causes of actual impossibility , legal and material used to not comply with the sentence to create a Truth Commission to clarify the case of the disappearance of 43 students normalistas Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.

Through four agreements signed by the Minister President of the Nación Supreme Court of Justice, Luis María Aguilar Morales, it has been reported that the highest court in the country does not have jurisdiction to hear complaints filed by the Attorney General's office, so that he refused to suspend the respective proceedings.

In order for the Court to assess the attractiveness of the case, the Unitary Court must inform that PGR and the Presidency have not complied with the decision.

Truth in the Ayotzinapa Affair

On June 5, it was reported that a federal court had ordered the establishment of a truth commission for the case missing students in Iguala, Guerrero, in September 2014. [19659002] Magistrates felt that the Attorney General's Office (PGR) was not impartial in its investigations. He also ordered the trial of alleged members of the criminal group "Guerreros Unidos", because he determined that there were indications that his confessions were obtained through torture

"Normalist students were deprived of liberty, cremated and thrown into the San Juan River, in that order.It is the historical truth, "said Jesús Murillo Karam

.With these words, the Attorney General of the Republic of The time, Jesús Murillo Karam, explained what, according to his investigations, happened in Iguala, Guerrero, with the 43 students of the rural normal of Ayotzinapa, disappeared on September 26, 2014.

"The work was carried out in accordance with the law, always respecting the human rights of detainees and victims," ​​said Murillo Karam.

At a conference on 7 November 2014, Murillo Karam showed testimonies of people presumed responsible

During the various stages of the investigation, the inmates showed visible blows to the face that they denounced. ] The interdisciplinary group of independent experts, convened by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, denounced the director of the Criminal Investigation Agency Zerón, led Agustín García, "El Chereje", l ". one of the alleged perpetrators, to conduct prosecutions at the scene of the facts without appearing in the preliminary investigation.

Of the 129 arrested for these acts, 10 dealt with amparo for the irregularities alleged in his proceedings.

On Monday, three judges from a Tamaulipas court responded to them. They established that the investigation into the disappearance of the normalizers "has not been prompt, effective, independent or impartial from the PGR.

They also ordered some inmates to practice the Protocol. Istanbul, because there are suspicions of Because Mexico does not have an independent prosecutor's office, the court decided to create a truth and justice commission for the Iguala case, consisting of the victims , of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) and the Federal Public Ministry

With the information of Jesús Murillo


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