SCJN will analyze whether it is correct to designate Telcel as a "monopoly" in the telecommunications sector


After appointing it as a leading agent in the telecommunications sector, the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation announced this afternoon that it would deal with and resolve the case of Telcel.

After eliminating Zero rateimposed by the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), which affected Telcelthe second chamber of the Court will analyze whether the appointment was correct.

It was in March 2014 when the IFT appointed Telcel preponderant because more than 60% of the market users belonged to the company and America Móvilwhose Telcel It is a subsidiary.

The resolution published by the Court one of the fundamental themes of the 2013-14 telecommunications reform, to remove the qualifier of monopoly Telcel.

Although the specialized collegial tribunals created, in particular, by mandate of the said reform do not solve the case, the SCJN He made the decision in his hands.

"I think it is up to this collegial tribunal to do everything in its power to carry out its task, despite its complexity," said Magistrate Patricio González Loyola.

The resolution should strip Telcel of his appointment as the preponderant agent, since the previous months Televisa Group He also filed an amparo against this appointment.

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