Scoliosis, a public health problem that can begin in childhood


Scoliosis is considered a public health problem, affecting 0.3 to 3 percent of the children's population.

] Guadalajara, June 30 (Notimex) .- Scoliosis is considered a public health problem and is characterized by a deformity of the spine that takes the form of S or C, with an incidence in the world of 0, 3 to 3 in In a statement, the rector of the University Center of Health Sciences (CUCS), Jaime Federico Andrade Villanueva, explained that in 65% of cases, the causes are unknown, but there are some congenital causes. He added that children may develop shoulder and hip deformities, chest rib changes and respiratory problems

. Unattended Can Present a Problem As a cardiovascular, they can "miss" the air and eventually die during childhood and adolescence, said Francisco Cruz Lopez, Deputy Director of Re Back. AC, a foundation that provides medical care to children with spinal malformations.

The foundation sponsored more than 15 surgeries on average per year, and they worked for 13 years. In total, he treated more than 1,500 patients.

Cruz López felt that it is very important to detect the disease in a timely manner, which can be reversed by treatment or require surgery. "We can treat here, in Guadalajara, scoliosis equal or better than in many cities of the United States or Europe."

The statements of the doctors were based on the announcement of the activities of the Scoliosis Day, that this year will be held on July 4, in the auditorium Dr. Roberto Mendiola Orta of the CUCS, to 11:00 am

Activities will be conducted for primary contact physicians, elementary school teachers, physical education and the general public, which includes informative lectures on scoliosis, its detection and treatment. In addition, free screening tests for the disease will be carried out.

Jalisco is the First State in the Mexican Republic to Establish a National Scoliosis Day

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