Scratch & # 39; terrorist & # 39; to 9 in Germany [Internacional] – 21/07/2018


Berlin, Ale. – German police investigate an alleged attack in which nine people were injured Friday on a bus in northern Germany, when an armed man with a knife attacked passengers and burned a bag with fire accelerators for unknown reasons before being stopped.

The Schleswig-Holstein Regional Minister for the Interior, Hans-Joachim Grote, said six people were wounded with knives and three wounded, although their condition is not considered critical. The attacker is in custody, said the same source, who provided no indication of the reason for the crime.

"The reasons for the crime must be clarified and investigated in the course of proceedings.Today, the suspect has not ruled on the facts for which he is charged Kiel's prosecutor, Ulla Hingst, said late in the night.

According to the prosecutor, this is a 34-year-old German, possibly born abroad. On Saturday, he is scheduled to appear before a judge for his arrest. The prosecution charges him with acts of fire and willful assault, while no terrorist organization has yet claimed responsibility for the incident, although the authorities investigate the logistics used by the attacker.

"We can not exclude anything, including a terrorist motive," said Hingst, quoted by local newspaper Lübecker Nachrichten

. Kiel's attorney explained that it was bus passengers who reduced the attacker. When the police arrived at the scene, he was arrested, according to a witness. According to witnesses, the passenger of the bus dropped his bag on the ground, then took out a sword with which he attacked several people.

"The passengers left the bus and shouted, it was scary, then the wounded were evacuated.The attacker had a kitchen knife."

The driver stopped the vehicle and was attacked. Then he opened the doors so that the passengers could leave, according to the newspaper.

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