Search for efficient and non-media ASF results


From now on, the Higher Audit of the Federation (ASF) will focus on monitoring the findings made through the Public Accounts and the results obtained, and the media impact that they will be able to generate will be left aside. the medium-term focus (2018-2023) on public works compliance audits and their performance, said Federation High Commissioner David Colmenares.

During the management of the previous auditor, Juan Manuel Portal, the ASF has great relevance to the public opinion and the media thanks to the audits carried out with the various entities of the federal public administration , which revealed various irregularities such as misappropriation of public resources.

"Some of the first actions we are taking, and I will read them to be more precise: the audit focuses on the results that contribute to the auditors, elected only last March by the Chamber of Deputies, have deepened that in the coming months and years the ASF will return in the National Anti-Corruption System (SCN), in particular to the Federal Court of Administrative Justice and magistrates, still to be appointed, specialized in

"Many times the quality of our audits brought them wrong products in the legal field and obviously the auditor was only faced with the question of punishments and penalties.

Today, when we have problems of this kind, thanks to the national anti-corruption system, we will go to the Administrative Court. In charge of determining if a sanction is appropriate, that's what I mean, we will have better results, "he said.

These measures, said Mr. Colmenares, will enhance proactive transparency with respect to "enforcement actions" that can be accessed in the audit public consultation system, which will be renewed.

an intelligence model to prevent irregularities in the use of public resources.

On the review of public works and their performance in the country, the auditor indicated that the functioning of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation will be analyzed. as a leader and executor of the projects.

To the National Water Commission as responsible for the development of water infrastructures, to the Secretariat of Territorial and Urban Development; the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, fishing and food.

Colmenares reported that attention will be given to five issues audited in the Public Accounts up until 2016 and that were of great relevance to public opinion: the new airport of Mexico, the acquisition and commissioning of Agro Nitrogenadas factories by part of Petróleos Mexicanos

As well as the facts raised in the Paso Express of the Mexico-Cuernavaca road; public works contracts awarded to the construction company Norberto Odebrecht and to contracts under the protection of section 1 of the Act respecting the acquisition of leases and services of the public sector, such as the "Master Scam "

In this new stage we find these areas of opportunity, among others, the expectation generated in the presentation of the reports (from the public account that) did not correspond to the final result, today we want to present effective end results. The findings of the audit are recurring over the course of different fiscal years, it is the same observation we have found for many years in the same entity, "he said.

The auditor pointed out the impetus that will be given to performance audits through them, a comprehensive approach is given to what happens in a specific unit, in addition to which deficiencies can be detected from the creation of the budgets of each unit, because many times "the defects come from the design itself."

With regard to the institutional strengthening of the FAA itself, the Federation's auditor indicated that the replacements of the holders of various domains were carried out within the framework of the new project that he directs.

] During the conference with the media, the auditor noted that during the first delivery of individual reports, irregularities were found, such as the fact that the SCT did not implement the guarantees contracted for unrealized works in the amount of 104 million pesos, as well as, in general, weak information systems and standards such as the health system, has no goals or indicators to evaluate it, other

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