Sears bankruptcy does not affect stores in Mexico, according to Grupo Carso


Sears Mexico is controlled by Carlos Slim

A few days ago it was reported that Sears declared bankruptcy in the United States, therefore, it was also announced that more stores would be closed than expected in 2018, so some people began to worry about the situation of the departmental chain in Mexico.

Grupo Carso, owned by Carlos Slim, announced that Sears stores in Mexico are operated by Grupo Sanborns Sears Reebok Corporation of Mexico, S.A. of C.V, for which they are not concerned by this declaration of bankruptcy in the United States.

In a statement added the following:

"Sears in Mexico has no relationship with the United States and its finances are so healthy that this year three new divisions have been opened and six have been redeveloped."

In the United States, Sears Holdings owned Sears Mexico, but it was in 2016 when Grupo Sanborns acquired an additional 14% interest in Sears Holdings, with which it's turned out to have a total 99% ownership of the company's property, leaving only 1% to the US company for commercial purposes.

So Sears Mexico will have no problem to keep running In dozens of department stores in the United States, the chain is in crisis and waiting for a response from the bankruptcy project.

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