Seattle banned the use of straw, how does it modify the restaurant sector?


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Starting this weekend, the city of Seattle prohibits the use of straw as well as other utensils plastic in restaurants and bars after a rule to reduce pollution by plastic in the oceans came into play.

According to various local press reports, it is presumed that this territory is the first from the neighboring country of the north Seattle declared that it has a decree of 2008 has gradually eliminated the presence of various plastic products of the food industry.

Cutlery and other plastic objects can not be recycled and go to the ocean, which contaminates water as well as marine life, said a transcendent of the AP agency.

It was also reported that establishments that do not comply measures implemented would face a penalty $ 250

In recent years, several companies have devoted their efforts to the production of biodegradable products to be able to offer straws of fast food or cutlery. Indeed, several studies have been conducted with natural products for the production of these products.

Therefore, consumption in bars and restaurants is not under threat, it will change the way it has been treated with this type of providers and that they must take quick action to avoid them. 39, to be fined, which puts them at a disadvantage when they hear about prices.

As this measure succeeds in Seattle, it will be replicated in other parts of the United States and elsewhere in the world. , so the promotion of bars and restaurants will change by offering environmentally friendly solutions.


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