SEC will publish a guide to guide entrepreneurs on the classification of cryptocurrency | CryptoNews


Once published, companies will be able to consult the guide. S & # 39; s believe that their offer will be considered an offer of securities, the documents will also provide guidance on the procedure of registration with the SEC. The official added that the guide would include guidelines on the accounting, custody and valuation of tokens, as well as issues related to secondary market transactions.

Hinman too Advised companies to consult the Strategic Center for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub), launched by the agency last October. This center is staffed with experienced financial technology staff and is designed to guide entrepreneurs before the launch of their projects, in order to accelerate and resolve problems that may arise.

The guide and the FinHub both fit into a SEC strategy aimed at guiding companies in the development of their businesses, an action that is also accompanied by a series of pressures exerted to regulate the market and prevent fraud with cryptocurrencies.

In this regard, a joint investigation by Decrypt and Yahoo Finance in October revealed that many companies carrying out ICO projects prefers to make the repayment and pay a fine, before facing the SEC. Among other things, the main problems encountered by the projects are precisely the definition of their tokens, which must choose between calling them chips utility, value or other.

Last June, William Hinman declared that neither ether (ETH) nor bitcoin (BTC) are financial securities, pointing out that digital tokens issued by ICO with profit expectations are considered financial securities, they must therefore be registered with the SEC and regulated. as such.

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