Second day of consultation: 447,000 voters and 99% of the polling stations installed


The application has been enhanced with additional security measures


On the second day of the vote, 208,000 185 citizens from all over the country came to express their opinion on where they prefer to establish the new airport. Added to the 239,000 people who voted on the first day, 447,294 people voted so far.

The cut on Friday, October 26, at 10 pm, indicates that the 68-seat one thousand were operating in conditions of tranquility, out of a total of 1,000 seats that were to be installed in 538 municipalities across the country. This means that the goal of 99% has been achieved.

The next general coordinator of the presidential social communication, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, said that on this day of participation, it was possible to observe rows of citizens in the main cities of all regions of the country to vote.

He added that, faced with the application interconnection flaws presented yesterday, additional steps have been taken to enhance its security. In addition, the distribution of gentian ink (also known as gentian violet or crystal violet) at the voting tables to apply to citizens once they have paid:

"There was wide participation and good encouragement from the voters.In some cases, it was possible to vote up to one hour after being presented to the polling station, due to the fact that there was no vote. The second day ends without incident, and Mexicans always have an interest in being consulted on decisions of general interest. "

He reiterated the invitation addressed to those who had not yet had the opportunity to vote to assert their opinion under this new form of participatory democracy, by consulting one of the available voting tables on the map of consultation points available at the following address:: //

Voting hours are from 8 am to 6 pm and the consultation ends on October 28.

This morning, the elected President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, sent a message to the Mexicans, thanking the high level of participation and inviting those who did not vote:

"If you did not go to vote, if you did not participate in the consultation, go ahead, it is not in vain.We must all help to solve the problems, it's is a contribution that citizens think they make known their point of view.It is democracy. "

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