Security program presented for the next President of Mexico


The Civil Organization Mexico SOS presented the Agenda 18-24 on Security and Justice

It is a document prepared by experts, academics and security operators at During the last five years, this will be awarded to the winner of the elections. With this document, we confirm our commitment to working together with the next head of the executive, "said Alejandro Martí, President of the Commission. México SOS

The Agenda proposes to create:

– A Security Council and Justice of the Mexican State

– A Unique Information and Intelligence System for national security which guides decision-making

] – An inspection of the national police force to supervise and punish the administrative acts of municipal, state and federal organs.

– A Secretariat for the security of cit … eoyens

– A new model of police approved and a reform of the penitentiary system

We know that much of the crimes that afflict citizens are committed in the prisons we claim: not a crime anymore. jails of the country, "said Eduardo Guerrero, coordinator of the Office of Security Agenda 18-24

The document calls for reconciliation

A reconciliation between society and the country's public security institutions is urgent. . From the first of December, it is imperative that Mexico has the knowledge to build the citizen security that we all want, "said Eduardo Guerrero, coordinator of the Office of Security Agenda 18-24

. Coparmex Gustavo de Hoyos approved the agenda and said that if the executive, legislative and judicial branches remained to be done, it was the fight against corruption, security and impunity.

He felt that progressive levels of insecurity and violence the main inhibitor of growth and well-being for which social peace is urgently needed.

With information from Guadalupe Flores


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