Sedema suggests not checking this week, recognizes the faults


  Blocked. The Verificenter service is intermittent and when the system breaks down, the vehicles performing the procedure must wait in line to restore it. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Varados. The Verificenter service is intermittent and when the system breaks down, the vehicles performing the procedure must wait in line to restore it. Photo: Cuartoscuro


For the second consecutive day, there were failures in the verificenters of Mexico City that caused damage to citizens.

2,200,000 of vehicles They are the ones who must carry out their verification each semester

The drivers have had long waiting times, they canceled their appointments, they told them to come back better next week or they simply told them that "the system has fallen". First to arrive at this verificenter in the morning at 8, and at 8 already open. We trained and they told us that the system fell, "said Mauricio Álvarez, a driver

In some centers rows of cars were seen because, due to the damage, the appointments were spliced and the congestion started. from others, there was no service in the afternoon.

They said that there was no system and that I had to come and ask for an appointment so that I could go back another day, "laments Luis Gallardo, one of the other driver. Secretariat of the Environment of the Capital (Sedema) reported that 46 of the 57 Vehicle Check Centers (CVV) operated on Tuesday

Of these, 35 worked with relative regularity and 11 had faults affecting service.

Last Monday, a maximum of 35 centers operated

The unit acknowledged that during the first two days of operation, only 25% of the verifications required for the program to be effective were carried out at the end of two months

They only recorded a daily average of two thousand 500 inspections of the 10 thousand they needed to achieve the ideal figure.

Beatriz C rdenas, director of air quality management e, explains that the failures were presented, again, in the computer system with which they communicate and exchange data between the CVV and the control central

2500 Physico-mechanical inspections on average are carried out daily in the verification centers, unlike the 10,000 which should ideally be performed

And that is to avoid irregular acts or the Sedema controls the issuing of remote holograms of its facilities

This function must be performed in this way since the verifiers send the results and the data obtained during the inspections and that the Sedema system verifies and designate which hologram corresponds. 19659009] This exchange of information is one that has presented flaws, but the addiction is already solving them and taking steps to prevent them, he said.

He pointed out that they do not occur in appliances to control pollutant emissions, nor in those that perform physico-mechanical inspections because it is a state-of-the-art technology that works correctly

. systems and actions to prevent corruption.

Cárdenas guaranteed that in the coming days the system will be regularized and that the faults will be only exceptions

We can assure you that all the equipment here in Sedema and the Centers of Verification do everything possible, really, because these errors or these problems are minimized, "said the official.

And he urged the capital to come check because it is to improve the quality of the air we breathe all.

Yes, we should examine our vehicles and make sure that they do not emit more pollutants because that is what we breathe; If you have your vehicle or you have a vehicle, you breathe the same air as me, "he said.

Concerning the Verification Centers for the AZ20, AZ49 and BJ21 vehicles located respectively in the Azcapotzalco and Benito Juárez delegations, which have been temporarily closed by the staff of the General Directorate of environmental monitoring, that one of them has already started to test

The agency will determine if this verifier is already able to operate as of July 4.


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