See the relationship between the missing Italians and the death of the mayor


The Public Prosecutor investigates a probable relationship between the murder of the mayor of Tecalitlán, Víctor Díaz Contreras, and the disappearance of the three Italian citizens of this municipality, Raffaele Russo and his son Antonio, in addition to his nephew, Vincenzo Cimmino, the head of the agency, Fausto Mancilla.

"This situation has led to the arrest of some municipal police officers, and these arrests have led us to further investigate the city council, we have arrest warrants to complete. exclude participation (municipal authorities), we do not exclude any element. "

On Monday, the mayor of Tecalitlán was shot dead before noon in the Real de Minas colony. From a van, they opened fire on his vehicle and died. A civil servant who accompanied him was wounded.

The prosecutor added that an incident occurred in Diaz Contreras a day before his death was the subject of an investigation. "We looked at a social media publication, we can not exclude anything."

Due to the characteristics of the fact, it is inferred that organized crime is involved. The state official promised to resolve the case: "We will clarify and we will find the officials."

  • Tecalitlán
  • Security in Jalisco
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