See which TV show Atala Sarmiento will reach


MEXICO – Atala Sarmiento denied a few weeks ago that she was planning to return to Azteca and assured that she was still analyzing the offers.

According to social networks, in an interview with Javier Poza for Formula Radio, said Sarmiento, who has no plans of working with Televisa until now.

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Atala Sarmiento, also had a brief participation in Imagen Television's "Exit the Sun"

Producer Carmen Armendáriz said she was in talks with her to join the "Intruders" program of Televisa, but the collaboration was not made for the salary that she wanted to collect and Now Edy Smol says that he got the prize at Atala

Last week he posted a video on Twitter in which he says:

"We have a surprise for you I got the price ] what you could not do, I pay dearly for your love, j & I paid dearly and soon you will see her here in "Take care of the camera." "

" Atala is a talentazo She does not like second-table dishes. "

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