Seguro Popular expands the coverage of patients with hepatitis C


CHILPANCINGO, GUERRERO, July 30 ( AlmomentoMX ) .- The Ministry of Health plans to serve 6,417 people with hepatitis C a year, with a budget of one thousand 100 million pesos from the Fund Protection against the catastrophic expenses of Seguro Popular, informed the head of the federal dependency, Dr. José Narro Robles.

At the inauguration of the breast-feeding room of the Alameda Midwifery Unit in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, the Secretary of Health reported that the extension of Coverage of patient care from 0 to 65 years of age for all classes of fibrosis (from 0 to 4), as well as the incorporation of better treatments, will prevent deterioration of health and future expenses related to cirrhosis. liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Prior to the state's governor, Hector Astudillo Flores, Narro Robles pointed out that currently more than 95 percent of patients manage to be cured with therapies, while Teriority has only reached # 39, an average survival of 54 to 63%; In addition, in 2017, the Seguro Popular only supported patients aged 20 to 50 years with grade 0, 1 and 2 fibrosis.

An estimated 71 million people are infected by the chronic hepatitis C virus. This disease has caused worldwide deaths of 399,000 patients a year

It is therefore important to incorporate direct-acting antiviral drugs (ADD) into the treatment and increase the knowledge and understanding of viral hepatitis and the consequences this causes, which develops a large number of people and for which there is still no vaccine.

During his visit to the state of Guerrero and as part of the 2018 World Breastfeeding Week, the Secretary of Health inaugurated breastfeeding within the l & # 39; 39; Alameda Midwifery Unit, which adds the 69 rooms set up since 2013 so far at the national level.

Accompanied by the president of DIF Guerrero, Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo and the health secretary of Guerrero, Dr. Carlos de la Pena Pintos, Narro Robles, stressed the importance of promoting breastfeeding for prevent birth diseases, as well as reduce mortality at this stage of life.

It is a practice, he said, to which mothers and babies are entitled, so with this type of space is guaranteed to be performed in appropriate environments and in the best conditions.

Narro Robles thanked the collaboration of the National Health Volunteer, as well as the civil society that helped build alliances with the government so that working mothers, students and hospital patients have decent spaces to feed and take care of their children.

opportunity, the Secretary of State for Health, Carlos de la Peña Pintos, announced that Guerrero has 29 hospitals and two health centers named Friends of the Mother and Child, a figure that It places the entity as the first state to designate first-level units throughout the country.

He added that more than 500 liters of milk were collected in the Human Milk Bank, benefiting 850 boys and girls in vulnerability. In addition, 218 doctors and nurses were trained to be the main promoters of the disease. Breastfeeding in their contact with the population.

There, the state governor, Hector Astudillo, gave a recognition to the president of the National Volunteer Health, Carmen Narro Lobo, and the president of the Candelaria Association, Elba, Beatriz and Gloria AC, José Alfonso Domínguez Gil, for the promotion of breastfeeding.

The Deputy Director General of Maternal and Perinatal Health of the Center was also present. Gender Equality and Reproductive Health, Dr. Nazarea Herrera Maldonado

AM., MX / fm



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