Seismological explains why some alerts did not sound


Because the magnitude 5.9 earthquake had an epicenter in Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, and did not occur on the coast, this could have determined that some seismic warnings were not activated , said Víctor Espíndola in an interview for FOROtv, the National Seismological Service

Some alerts have not been activated because the earthquake is within the limits, in the magnitude threshold of earthquakes. (…) This earthquake is several kilometers from the coast, this could determine that some seismic warnings would not be activated, "he said.

Espíndola pointed out that, following the experience of the earthquake of September 19,

On the morning of this Thursday, an earthquake of a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 was recorded at Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca at 8:31 am

neighbors of different neighborhoods of Mexico, such as Tlatelolco and Colonia Doctores,

No injuries or injuries after an earthquake, confirms Navarrete

Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida, confirmed by his Twitter account that up to here there are no injuries or injuries reported in the states where the earthquake was recorded this morning, preliminary magnitude of 5.9.

However, there asked the population to assist the recommendations of civil protection, whose protocols are activated after the telluric phenomenon with epicenter in Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca.

"Ante #Sismo Magnitude 5.9, until now there are no reported injuries or injuries in the states where it was perceived." Respond to @PcSegob's recommendations. @SEGOB_mx, a wrote in his Twitter account @navarreteprida.

Mexico returns to Normal after earthquake of 5.9

Mexico City Civil Protection Secretary Fausto Lugo reported that all services are functioning normally in the capital of the country, after the magnitude 5.9 earthquake with epicenter in Huajuapan, Oaxaca [19659005] Indicates that, as part of the protocol, Metro Metro (STC) Metro has been walking slowly as a safety measure, but after the review, all lines are functioning normally.

The local said the seismic movement was light in the Mexican capital, especially in the lake area, in the city center.

Fausto Lugo also said that part of the protocol involves the revision of buildings. enter them "

All services in Mexico City are already functioning normally," he said in an interview with Foro Tv.

Meanwhile, Mexico's Ministry of Public Security said it there is no impact on the roads and structures of the capital.

No damage reported by earthquake of 5.9: Luis Felipe Puente

Information from FOROtv


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