Selected Mexico to the World will not vote in elections


MEXICO.- The players of the Mexican football team will not be able to choose who will be the next president of Mexico since Sunday, they will not vote, even if the federation has sought ways to exercise this right.

The Mexican Football Federation investigated with the electoral authorities so that players and members of the national team could vote on July 1st. it was expected that by that date the Tricolor would continue in the World Cup in Russia, preparing for the Eighth Final.

A source close to the federation assured La Afición that he was wanted with the National Electoral Institute the selected people had this option, but they made it clear that only residents The foreigner could do it. However, some members of the Mexican delegation stated that they had been told that they could vote, provided they offered a fixed address to which they would send the documentation.

For the moment, the directors have not wanted to make public statement, As a sports entity, they prefer to stay on the sidelines because they know how delicate it is to mix sport and politics.

Among the few actors who expressed their opinion on the election in Mexico, Hector Moreno said: to be the best for the country, whoever wins should seek the best for the country, seek to support and seek to to shine what we have. "

(Information: Milenio)

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