Selena Gómez, dethroned | New


For two years, Selena Gomez she was the real queen of Instagram. His publications have always been among those that generated the most interactions. It will be like this, but since Monday, a new king appears in the photographic social network.

Cristiano Ronaldo Since Monday, he has become the person with the greatest number of followers of the popular application. The overtaking took place over 144 million followers.

Of course, CR7 has joined fans around the world in recent years, but the Portuguese, Real Madrid and Juventus fans in Turin have been the most numerous lately.

For her part, Selena Gomez has grown a little more stagnant in recent weeks after announcing a new temporary break with social networks to recover physically and psychologically from depression and anxiety.

Cristiano Ronaldo is now the king of Instagram, which will guarantee him more advertising contracts and a higher value of his publications. Moreover, everything is at home since his partner, Georgina Rodriguez, is also Spanish with more followers with nearly 8 million followers (more than rsula Corberó or Cristina Pedroche).

How long will the reign of CR7 last?

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