Seniors are victims of financial fraud


ZACATECAS .- The elderly are the sector of the population most likely to be a victim of fraud, reported the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef).

Reported that from January to May of this year 29 percent of claims were made by seniors, with a total of 27 thousand 194 complaints, which represents an increase of 18 percent over the same period but of 2017

The main causes are related to banking products or services, with reference to 57 percent equals 15 506, while 13 percent go against insurance, with 3 thousand 566, and 10 percent of Afore, with 2 thousand 766.

Unlike younger users, 43% of claims attributable to possible fraud are due to the use of the debit card against 24% of the credit card.

Tea The most important financial product, with 868 files, is the payroll account, which is associated with the payment of pensions.

In the first five months of the year, Mobile Banking received 429 complaints, representing an increase of 233% over the same period but from 2017, indicating that many users are surprised through calls from an "your bank" operator or through a notice on your cellphone, in order to obtain your personal data and take money out of their accounts or take a loan in their name .

The Condusef warned bank users not to be fooled by calls that only seek to take advantage of users to commit fraud.

click on suspicious pages or answer calls or e-mails that tell you that you won a prize, a trip or a raffle, because thugs usually ask for your personal data to grant you the so-called p Rest and fool them .

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