Sentenced to death, they ask to be executed in this way


Nashville.- Four inmates sentenced to death in Tennessee, they asked a federal court to authorize the use of a squadron of executions.

Request It was presented Friday, a day after Edmund Zagorski's performance by an electric chair in Tennessee. Zagorski He argued that it was a more humane method let the injection be deadly. This was the first electrocution carried out by the state since 2007.

David Earl Miller, whose execution is scheduled for December 6, is one of four inmates who initiated the proceedings.

The first electrocution carried out by the state since 2007. Illustrative image. Photo: Pixabay

Miller He was sentenced to death in 1981 for the rape and murder of a 23-year-old girl. It is the detainee who has most awaited his execution Tennessee.

Miller will be invited Tuesday to choose his method of execution. The prosecution seeks to delay the decision until a federal judge can review the case.

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