Sergio Mayer's Audio Course Outlines the Treatment Employees Give


It seems that the scandals in the political life of Sergio Mayer they do not end, and after having a few days of tranquility outside the media attention, began broadcasting an audio that explains the treatment he has towards his employees.

With the audio streaming on YouTube, you hear the old garibaldi reprimanding his collaborators for flaws in his duties, however, what caused much controversy was his manner of doing so, a situation that exposed him as an arrogant.

In the first part of the recording, you listen Sergio in full discussion with someone who apparently gives no results and that apparently he has not taken any propaganda for one of his political acts in public.

Then a woman intervenes who is apparently the only one to respond to the affirmations of the former actor. According to the conversation, this same person would have taken an incorrect turn in Periferico, which would force Sergio to walk about two kilometers, before the negligence of it.

Finally, another one of his colleagues intervenes and informs the Deputy Minister that nobody wants to work with hima situation that bothers him more and causes Sergio to suggest that anyone who does not want to be with him can leave.

For the time being, Mayer he has not denied or confirmed that he is the person of the audio. However, this situation can be a real problem for your political career.

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