Sergio Moro: soldier of the empire


The counterrevolutionary gusanera in Mami and European capitals is delighted with the appointment of Sergio Moro as the Minister of Justice of the new government of ultra-reactionary President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, highly applauded decision in his blog poisoned by the Central Intelligence Agency member Carlos Alberto Montaner, who called the prosecutor is still a courageous figure of the judiciary who dares to judge powerful figures.

The man who was considered by Montaner to be the leader in anti-corruption globalization and an example of heroic behavior, received Bolsonaro's "carte blanche" to continue his elaborate and planned persecution for years for everything that had the most well of imperialism, after being acquitted of his sentence. mission to try, imprison and prevent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from becoming president again.

In his first statements to the press, he said that he was breaking his promise not to make politics, the "sacred duty to fight the evil" of a more important position.

For some time now, Lula had already accused Moro of being an "inquisitor" representing the interests of elites who wish to avoid a return of the left to power. "Moro shows his bias in Lava Jato by accepting a position in the government of Bolsonaro," said the Workers Party.

With the official start of his political career, Moro will face more reproach for his previous court decisions. The 46-year-old future Justice Minister has already announced that he will leave the courts after 22 years.

At the local level, this type of criticism completely preoccupies Moro, because even after the overthrow of Dilma Rousseff in December 2016, he had no trouble being photographed with the outgoing president, Michel Temer, Aécio Neves and Geraldo Alckmin. all representatives of the political right accused of corruption, but not persecuted by Moro and no other Brazilian judge.

In fact, Alckmin was exempted from the archives of Lava Jato at the opening of an investigation for corruption, in which he was accused of receiving bribes from the company Odebrecht.

During all these months, in Brazil, Moro continued to be exalted by the power he exercised, as proposed by the Association of Brazilian Federal Judges to the Federal Supreme Court, which had was initially examined by Bolsonaro.

The magazines Istoe and Epoca and the group Globo have given him several titles. After another publication, Fortune, he is one of the 50 most influential "leaders" in the world.

And already in this outer plane, you can locate Moro in Montaner, although the Brazilian prosecutor has been far better prepared by the Empire than the famous CIA agent of Cuban origin.

The main objective of the Lava Jato operation was to destabilize Brazil, to carry out a mild coup with the alliance of a Brazilian justice sector and "think tanks" of what was going on. we call Deep State. compliant by the FBI, the CIA and the Ministry of Justice, with the aim of weakening its lead as an emerging BRICS power.


Moro, the main "punisher" of this operation, was supported by AS / COA, an American entity that represents the banks and large corporations that abound in Latin America, with the aim of appropriating wealth. For that, it influences the justice and the means to confront the governments which do not submit to their diktats.

At that time, the Society of the Americas / Council of the Americas (AS / COA) incessantly extolled Moro, took him to the United States and awarded him titles such as "Man of the Year", similar to those attributed to him through publications to multinationals.

The subject was recently exposed by Brazil Wire, an English-language publication, reminding that Moro was the brightest star of the New York meeting of a self-proclaimed "anti-corruption movement" convened by banking entities.

The AS / COA has as an instrument Americas Quarterly magazine. This is one of their most visible faces, but it's not one of the most important: what really matters is their connection to power, its ability to influence it, and to determine government decisions and political changes.

In terms of its outreach tactics aimed at favoring friends and shooting down opponents, the institution operates through the Bloomberg agency and, according to Brazil Wire, also maintains links with the UK Reuters agency.

It is chaired by Susan Segal, who in some areas of economic power is called "the most influential woman in the Americas".

Brian Winter, editor of Americas Quarterly and one of the vice presidents of AS / COA, has communication spaces in Newsweek and CNN, where he is featured as a "Brazil Specialist" ". He is not the only member of the entity called by these means of dissemination.

This individual joined the magazine after leaving Reuters in Brazil in 2015, where he was accused of having censored information about corruption in the Petrobras company under Fernando Henrique Cardoso's government.

These data are still hidden by the mainstream media of Latin American countries, such as Clarín and La Nación in Argentina, because their presentation contradicts the version that corruption is a problem that began with popular governments such as Lula da Silva. This argument is at the heart of the dissemination mechanism that leads to illegitimate indigence processes, such as those in Brazil, or in "democratic" elections, such as in Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. But it is a problem in which Moro, Lava Jato, Bolsonaro and the fascist version of imperialism will be miserably present in the future and will have to be treated.

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