Sergio Obeso, new Mexican cardinal


Pope Francis, in the Consistory held yesterday at the Vatican, handed the cap and the cardinal ring to Sergio Obeso Rivera, archbishop emeritus of Xalapa, Veracruz, who was characterized as a bishop close to the people and has recognized this appointment "it is a recognition of its simplicity."

The pontiff appointed 14 cardinals from all continents, including an Iraqi and a Pakistani, as well as three Latin Americans, whose process has entered in force yesterday.

Obeso Rivera, 86, said he was surprised by the appointment: "I never thought about it, and it was not my problem (…) But that means a sample of the Pope's humanity, all these details are not they are coming in. He sees that I am 86 years old, they never said thank you and he says thank you very much, "he said. said in an interview with Alegra a weekly from the archdiocese of Xalapa.

Obeso Rivera presided over three times the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate and was a key element for the restitution of Church-State relations, in the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari

With Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada and Other Catholic leaders, in the 90s, they created a front against the apostolic nuncio Girolamo Prigione who considered that their arrogant attitudes and their links with political power were doing great harm to the Mexican Church.

This Friday, the pontiff will hand over the archpishop's pallium to the newly appointed Mexicans, two of whom occupy a new seat: Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, who from Tlalnepantla was transferred to the Archdiocese of Mexico , and Carlos Garfias Merlos, who from Ac Apulco was assigned to Morelia, and to Msgr. Leopoldo González, who was appointed Archbishop of Acapulco.

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