Sergio Pérez sued Force India to save 400 jobs in the company


After a bad participation in the classification of the Hungarian Grand Prix, of which 19 will start, the Mexican Formula 1 driver Sergio Pérez declared that had initiated a lawsuit against his team Force India to save 400 jobs.

The Mexican driver owes 4 million euros. The claim, forces the team to go bankrupt for a possible sale, which would save the company from bankruptcy and benefit 400 other employees who also need to l & # 39; 39, money, He said "Checo"

Perez said that he was very sorry to have to claim the money owed, which puts the UK-based team out of business, but the pilot insists on the fact that his motivation was not personal.

The Mexican told reporters, after the "quality" of the Hungarian GP, ​​that he spent a very difficult month emotionally and mentally and that his performance was affected by the financial situation precarious team.

Force India, the team whose Indian businessman Vijay Mallya is co-owner and is ranked fifth in the tournament, on Friday issued an appeal to creditors at the London High Court.

"I love Vijay, my heart is broken because I know it's not ideal for him in the short term, but the situation as a whole is really different," Pérez said. "The conclusion is that we did or the team would have gone bankrupt That's what lawyers and team members have me said, "he added.

The legal measure of Perez eliminates the immediate threat of closure and also overcomes the resistance of shareholders to sell.

The request of the Mexican pilot for the money that he owes him – about 4 million euros, most of last season – was backed by the engine supplier Mercedes and the sponsor from the BWT team, who said that they also owed money. considerable.

With up to five interested parties, a sale seems imminent and a break in August after Sunday's Grand Prix gives the team a little time to resolve its future before returning to competition.

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