Serve HIV / AIDS infected in CAPASITY


This year, there were 64 cases of AIDS and 243 cases of carriers of the virus; until May 2018, 29378 adolescents were treated

Christian Rendón

León.- There are 2,319 patients infected HIV / AIDS who are treated in Guanajuato at Outpatient Center for Prevention and Care in AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (CAPASITS).

The Health Ministry of Guanajuato (SSG) through three specialized centers called CAPASITS located in Irapuato, León and Celaya, currently serve these people with their treatments.

Of this total, 307 new patients this year, including 243 carriers of the virus, are asymptomatic and 64 patients diagnosed at the symptomatic stage of AIDS the others are under normal treatment

through the 58 friendly services that Health Secretary of Guanajuato (SSG) until May. 2018 has supported 29,378 adolescents; 18 thousand 354 women and 11 thousand 024 men of the first time.


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