Serves the CONAGUA request of the State Council of Civil Protection


Silao, Gto.- The governor of Guanajuato, Miguel Márquez Márquez, agreed with the head of the -CONAGUA National Water Commission, Roberto Ramírez de la Parra, to reduce the discharge of the dam Ignacio Allende, from 210 to 100 million cubic meters, thus allowing the execution of measures of confinement and reinforcement in the lower parts of the river Laja and the Lerma river.

In addition to the above, the permanent monitoring of the dam will be controlled water and ventilation levels in the same reservoir and along the rivers.

Similarly, the governor Miguel Márquez Márquez agreed with the head of the National Coordination of Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, the request for immediate registration to the Declaration of State of º 39 emergency due to rain in Guanajuato and advance access to Emergency Fund resources and support to all families, businesses and affected communities.

Similarly, state resources will be activated to pay attention to this type of contingency and insurance catastrophic spending for areas of culture.

In Permanent Session of the State Council of Civil Protection, in which they were present Mayors of the municipalities of Abasolo, Celaya, Salamanca, Silao, Cuerámaro, Penjamo and Irapuato , holders of the Municipal Civil Protection Councils, chairman of the irrigation district 011, and responsible for the modules of La Purisima, Valle and Irapuato; SEDENA, CONAGUA State Delegate in Guanajuato, Humberto Navarro de Alba, who pointed out that the reduction of ventilation is already underway, the monitoring and vigilance are maintained against the rain forecast for the region. [19659002] During the session, at which the Federal Police, SDAYR, the National Water Commission, Ecology and the Ministry of Health also participated, it was also agreed to support the municipalities with pumping equipment, checking the status of its rivers and shores, as well as prevention and constant communication with the people.

"The circumstances of our state were understood and it was necessary to lower the dam of Allende, from 210 to 100 millions of cubic meters, then we will see the lower Laja and the Lerma River, this will allow us to have greater maneuverability to contain the problem that has generated us in the last. "We will continue in a permanent session, overflights were made and we visit the affected municipalities, we will be attentive 24 hours a day, because we care about our population and that it does not suffer any damage, "said the president.We will be very attentive to this situation that is presented in our state." [19659002] From the dialogue with the federal agencies, it was also agreed upon the arrival of the National Civil Protection Team in Guanajuato and the pumping equipment of CONAGUA Flooded Areas

Luis Antonio Güereca Pérez, State Coordinator for Civil Protection, said that the most affected municipalities are Celaya, Comonfort, Villagrán and Apaseo El Grande.

municipalities near the Lerma River, such as Salamanca, Huanímaro, Pueblo Nuevo and Valle de Santiago; while León, San Francisco del Rincón, Romita, Cuerámaro, Abasolo, Penjamo, Irapuato and Silao depend on the course of the Turbio River, on which he continues to monitor and verify.

He reports that temporary shelters are still installed. in municipalities, for people who need to leave their homes, with the active participation of the DIF through the canteens and permanent medical care by the Ministry of Health.

Agustín Robles Montenegro, chairman of the 011 irrigation district, asked the CONAGUA delegation and the Civil Protection Council to include their participation in the following working sessions and in the 39, implementation of preventive measures, in order to expand the possibilities of joint action before the problem generated by the rains in the region.

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