Seseq warns against depression –



Few symptoms of depression: sadness, loss of interest, feeling of guilt, lack of self-esteem, sleep and appetite disorders, fatigue, lack of concentration


Depression is a mental disorder that is characterized by the presence of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or lack of self-esteem, difficulty with sleep or sleep. Appetite, fatigue and lack of concentration, informed the health secretary of the state of Querétaro. 19659005] This mental disorder affects about 340 million people in the world, it is a very common disease and it is a significant burden in human and economic terms, which is why the World Health Organization Health (WHO) estimates that this disease will become in the second cause of disability by 2020.

In the National Survey on Psychiatric Epidemiology in Mexico, it is mentioned that, as Depression is the most common pathology, followed by specific phobias, alcohol dependence and social phobia.

Depression is distinct from the usual mood swings and short emotional responses to the problems of everyday life. . The risk of suffering from it is compounded by poverty, unemployment, life events such as the death of a loved one or the burst of a relationship, physical illness and the problems caused by alcohol and drugs

. Mental anxiety and can affect the ability of people to perform even the simplest daily tasks, which sometimes has adverse effects on relationships with family and friends.

This can become a serious health problem especially when it is long lasting and of moderate to severe intensity, it can cause great suffering and impair professional, academic and family activities. In the worst case, this can lead to suicide, a phenomenon that occupies the second leading cause of death in the 15 to 29 age group.

Depression can be prevented and treated effectively. Treatment usually consists of speech therapy, an antidepressant, or a combination of both. Talking to someone you trust can be a first step in healing.

The purpose of treatment in depression is to improve the mental situation, to restore adequate functioning of social and professional skills, and to promote the well-being and quality of life of the patient, avoiding as much as possible relapses.

Drug and psychotherapeutic treatment is of great importance because it aims to pay full attention to the disease, to prevent the recurrence of these episodes and, in the case if it occurs, it has a duration and a shorter intensity. It is recommended that in addition to psychotherapy to support the patient, psychoeducational counseling can be provided to family members.

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