Sexually transmitted diseases threaten the United Kingdom


United Kingdom .- A rare sexually transmitted disease could cause a "public health emergency" if appropriate measures are not taken. The bacterium "Mycoplasma genitalium" is the cause of the rare disease, according to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH).

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According to the data, the microorganism is present only in 1 or 2% of the population of the United Kingdom, but could reach the "super bacteria " within the next 10 years if the health service does not provide adequate medical examinations and treatments.

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The unwanted host lodges in the urinary and reproductive system and is transmitted by sexual intercourse, sometimes produces inflammation of the reproductive organs in As this can be confused with others, this bacterium is adapted to many drugs used to treat STDs and there is a probability that it generates antibiotic resistance if is not treated properly.

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Paddy Horner, a professor at the University of Bristol and co-author of the BASHH study, advises physicians that patients who present the symptoms correctly diagnose them with accurate tests, treat them appropriately and "make sure who are healed."

In this note:

  • United Kingdom
  • Hatching ETS United Kingdom
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases London

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