Shaking in Israel by Jewish Law


The Israeli Arab Parliament on Thursday approved the nation-state law, which defines Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people," recognizes Hebrew as the official language and reserves itself the right to self-determination, which is the possibility of the inhabitants of a territory to decide their political status, to the Jewish community. The new standard was approved with the vote of 117 MPs, 62 for and 55 against. The project was promoted by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist movements.

The new national law has caused turmoil in the country in recent weeks because of the opposition of Israeli communities. other religions, especially Islam, which considered that the project discriminated against non-Jewish minorities living in Israel, whose capital, Jerusalem, is the center of monotheistic religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism

. Arab condemned the law considering that it legalized the existence of a segregationist regime of "apartheid" and noted that it "does not take into account the historical rights of the Palestinian people on its territory and consolidates the racist practices of Israel which annul the other by imposing the facts by force ", even qualified as a practice of" ethnic cleansing ".

For its part, the opposition MPs expressed their concern about what they described as "hate crime and discrimination against the Arab minority", as it was explained the parliamentarian Ahmad Tibi to the newspaper El País. Despite criticism, the law that makes Israel the Jewish nation-state is already a fact that goes back to the historical context of its millennial struggle for the promised land.

Even the spokesman of the head of the European Foreign Service Foreign, Maja Kocijncic expressed his concern about the adoption of the law, ensuring that the Union has been clear in its "defense of the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the proposal of two states that have Jerusalem as the capital" and condemned that this decision makes it more difficult to find a solution.

With the new standard, that Israel be an officially Jewish state, in which people belonging to this religion have the power to decide on the future of its territory and Hebrew becomes official language, leaving in a second level the language Arab, everything is a fact. José Guillermo Ánjel Professor at the Humanities Center of the University Pontificia Bolivariana, explains that "Israel becomes a country whose total identity is in Judaism, just like the Vat Ican is the center of Catholicism or Mecca. of Islam "and remember that this decision fits into a historical context in which, since the creation of the state of Israel, 70 years ago, it was conceived so that Jews are not rejected anywhere else in the world, but he acknowledges that the initiative may represent religious and political conflicts with his neighbors: Palestine.

Like him, Hernán Olano, Director of the Department of History of the University of La Sabana, comments: to bring implications with Palestine regarding the politics of understanding, "in which the UN and the Church Catholic, through Benedict XVI and John Paul II, have tried to negotiate.He adds that many countries are open to non-denominationalism and that there exists in the case of Israel a parallel armed struggle that hinders the dialogue with Palestine

That Israel has a national law that rec the country is born as a Jewish territory. as a triumph of the followers of Judaism which corresponds to the consolidation of the territory promised since Abrhman and Moses, centuries. It is therefore a political decision with religious and historical arguments that consolidates Israel as a Jewish country, but that sharpens conflicts between these neighboring nations. It is a triumph for Jews, but a loss for followers of Islam, who also claim power over this territory.

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