Shakira makes the Spanish public sing and dance



S Hakira gave his fans at the BEC in Barakaldo a night where the Colombian artist shows all his great hits, mixing pop and latin rhythms that made blackmail and dance without stopping to an audience delivered from the first moment.

The Colombian offered to Barakaldo the first of the five concerts planned in Spain in the tour El Dorado where he will also perform in the Coliseum of A Coruña (July 1), the Wizink Center of Madrid ( July 3) and Barcelona's Palau Sant Jordi, with a double date on July 6 and 7.

Shakira had to postpone the tour, scheduled for late last year, due to a haemorrhage in the vocal cords and tonight was relying on the help of the throats. an audience that has almost filled the Bizkaia Arena flag of BEC, with a capacity of some 15 thousand people.

Colombian offered an ass show full of light and confetti, on a stage with a big screen in the background and two circulars at the ends, which served to offer close-ups of the artist, and a gateway through which Shakira approached almost in the center of the track

One after the other, the Colombian singer connects the blockbuster successes she has accumulated throughout his career, from the oldest, those who appear on his album Pies descalzos to the most recent El Dorado with a flag standing and dancing from the beginning.

The songs of the last album were the most applauded and sung by the public, who did not care that the duets of certain subjects, such as Faithful Dog or The Bicycle who closed the show, had Nicki Jam and Carlos Vives canned with their recordings on the circular screens.

The show started with two themes from his first album, I'm here and Where are you? mixed and intertwined, before Shakira enters screaming appears seated and chained to interpret She wolf At the end of the song, Shakira pointed out that tonight was his first concert in Spain and he s & # He is reminded of the difficult times that he went through his problems in the vocal chords that led him to think that he "would no longer sing", but "miracles exist", the Colombian woman confessed before continuing

She followed the performance with Nada who began to sing and dance throughout the pavilion, and Under your Clothes which followed I fell in love another karaoke tonight, and Inevitable with Shakira on guitar

Do not miss it Chantaj and Chance with its characteristic movements of hip and rain of confetti, Tor ture with Alejandro Sanz on the screens, or Anthology with Shakira and a part of his band play it on the small stage in the center of the track

The party that was the Bizkaia Arena tonight it's completed in the last part of the concert with the mixture of songs Loca And Rabiosa and football fans The, the, the and Waka waka who shook a pavilion that calmed down with the ballad Tons that Shakira sang on the track

From the track, he came back to the stage and again shook Biscay with Hips Do not Lie and The bicycle with Carlos Vives on the screens and a new shower of confetti, to conclude a concert in which no one could resist the Colombian pusher who made sing and dance throughout the pavilion from beginning to end.


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