Shame! Aleks Syntek thanks South Korea with a racist gesture


The Mexican musician Aleks Syntek He has been in the eye of the hurricane for several months. The author of topics such as "Sexo pudor y lágrimas" or "Te dreamed" raised his voice to speak against the reggaeton and even asked that it not be displayed publicly and at times. The singer has been very active in social networks since the beginning of the 2018 Russia World Cup. For example, when launching the Mexican selection In the match, Syntek promised to serenate the wives of the players in case they scored one more goal against the German team, referring to the scandal of the party in which there was probably the presence of escorts.

The memes of the terrible game of Mexico against Sweden

This Wednesday, June 27, the interpreter came back to give something to say after thanking the team of South Korea in an offensive way. As we know, Mexico qualified for the round of 16 thanks to the great match that Asians have played against the Teutons. Aleks Syntek took advantage of this opportunity and released a recording of only eleven seconds in which, wearing the green shirt, he sings song with a clear stereotyped vision. In the video, the singer also seems to squint, mocking the facial features of South Koreans. Until now, the publication has already more than 30,000 views.

Thus, the discussion on Twitter on the case Syntek-South Korea

As expected, social media users did not miss the opportunity and criticized Syntek for his racist gesture:

Some have not forgotten the incongruity of their actions:

Others have even asked the intervention of the authorities to sanction the conduct of Syntek

Do you think that Aleks Syntek's gesture is as shameful as Maradona's performance?

A little more compared the situation with a classic chapter of The Simpsons

The musician did not apologize or did not resume his position. Through the platform, Syntek asked them to "let it go" and assured that his video was made with humor.

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