Sheinbaum receives evidence of the election of the head of government of the CDMX


Claudia Sheinbaum received this Saturday the record of the majority who accredited as elected head of government of Mexico City for the period 2018-2024.

"I would like to thank a woman whom I admire very much, who also voted for her as head of government: Elenita Poniatowska . I want to thank my family, all the territorial coordinators, all the promoters who allowed the triumph of Andrés Manuel to the presidency of the Republic and the triumph in Mexico City .For the citizens, we managed to win the vote, the love is paid and we will not fail, "Sheinbaum said in her speech after receiving the document.

The record was delivered directly to Sheinbaum by Mario Velázquez Miranda President of the Electoral Institute of Mexico (IECM),
at the twenty-third extraordinary session of the General Council of the MISC.

Sheinbaum who will lead the government of the capital for the next six years and will be the first woman to hold this position, reiterated the 100 commitments of its project "Innovation and Hope", among which the economy from 19459003 25 billion pesos a year by applying a government of austerity, without raising taxes in real terms, and the impetus of an open and transparent government .

Regarding the proposals on technology, the elected head of government said the following regarding the accusations that she received from the excuse of Nueva Alianza Purificación Carpinteyro at the third debate of Chilango: " There, in case of doubt, we will promote big data and the Internet of Things ".

Present at the event were Morenoites such as Yeidckol Polevnsky, President of the National Regeneration Movement; Martí Batres, virtual winner of a seat in the Senate of the Republic, in addition to the writer Elena Poniatowska and academic Marta Lamas.

Alfonso Suárez del Real, former campaign coordinator of the now elected head of government, posted a video on his Twitter account in which he thanked the coalition "Juntos Haremos Historia" and the citizens.

" It is the triumph of the capital, the capital that bets their confidence on a woman .The city has never been in better hands," said the Member of the Federal District Legislative Assembly (ALDF) on his arrival at the IECM.

Esthela Damián, also former campaign coordinator of Sheinbaum, assured that with the triumph of the former coalition candidate "Together we will make history" won democracy and left .

"Celebrating a victory that has been alive since the beginning of the campaign. It is a day when democracy and, above all, the progressive left of Mexico wins with Claudia Sheinbaum in the city ", he said in an interview with external media at the IECM.

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