Shooting at Nuevo Laredo, direct attack against PGR agents


A convoy of the Special Prosecutor's Office for the Search for Missing Persons from the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR) was attacked by gunmen Monday afternoon on Emiliano Zapata and Reforma Avenues in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

The group, consisting of three public prosecutors and seven experts from the Attorney General's Office, was guarded by soldiers who repelled the assault.

After a first confrontation, several persecutions were triggered by the San Miguel Villas, Benito Juárez, Issste, Infonavit, Las Alamedas, La Concordia and Colosio Boulevard

A passenger bus that left Nuevo Laredo for Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, was in the middle of a confrontation.

bus was injured, while the seven passengers had to receive medical attention, due to the nervous breakdown.

After an hour and a half of fighting, the federal forces controlled the situation; one soldier and four civilians were injured.

This is the second assault in less than a month; On 12 June, agents of the Attorney General's Office were robbed of three light weapons by gunmen who attacked them with bullets in the Hacienda San Agustín colony

. Both attacks were directed against special groups sent by the Attorney General's office. of the Republic, to investigate exclusively cases of enforced disappearance of 35 persons, allegedly committed by elements of the Navy, these cases were denounced by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the May 30th. [19659003LesautoritésdubureauduprocureurgénéralconsultéesparEnPuntoontrapportéqueleursenquêtessuggèrentquecesdisparitionsontétécommisespardesgroupescriminelsquiutilisaientdesvêtementsapocryphesdesforcesfédérales

You can also read: [19659010] Director Cedes Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

D & # 39; the information En Punto.


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