Shooting of a synagogue in Pittsburgh, United States


Several people have died and at least six others were injured, including four policemen, during the shootings that took place today in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, according to official sources, who confirmed that the suspect was in custody.

The NBC channel says the detainee is Rob Bowers, 46, who has accessed the temple armed with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and several pistols, according to several witnesses.

"There have been several deaths and at least six injuries, including four police officers," said Wendell Hissrich, director of Pittsburg security services, at a press conference.

Hissrich said that the injured officers were not afraid for their lives, but that some of the other victims were in "serious condition" and had been transferred to nearby hospitals.

Local media say the death toll is eight.

There may be more involved

The official confirmed that the alleged abuser was "in custody", but he did not rule out the possibility that other people were involved.

The suspect initially remained entrenched in the temple and opened fire on the agents and members of the medical services who went there.

President Donald Trump, who met with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, assured reporters that it was an event. "much more devastating" than we initially feared.

Donald Trump reacts to shooting

"We see the events taking place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, there are already authorities on the scene, the inhabitants of the Squirrel Hill area must remain in the shelter, there seem to be several dead, beware of active shooter, God bless you all! ", he wrote.

What is a synagogue?

The synagogue is the gathering place of Jews, as well as the place of worship and study of the "oldest of monotheistic religions".

Acting not only as a place of prayer and study, but also for meetings, dialogue and interpretation, the synagogue is known in Hebrew as בית ha (Beit ha-Kneset), which means "assembly room".

Every Saturday, as today, the Sabbath is commemorated, which is the seventh day of the week, being in turn the sacred day of the Jewish week. People often meet in synagogues.

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