Shootout reported in Cancun with a balance of at least 5 dead


This Friday, July 27, there was a shooting at the restaurant Las Jaibas, in Puerto Juarez, in the municipality of Benito Juarez, Quintana Roo, in which at least 5 people lost their lives.

The general coordination of the government communication of Quintana Roo, indicates that the preliminary balance of what was supposed to be a clash between the police and the hitman is 5 people killed and two others injured. The wounded were transferred to a nearby hospital

The incidents occurred around 8:44 pm, when the 911 reported gun detonations inside the aforementioned place.

"Preliminary information indicates that it was a confrontation between police and assassins.
The State Attorney General's Office states that there are five people who lost their lives and two other wounded, "the statement said.

He states that there are no tourists or strangers among the wounded. and that "a minister lost his life". This is Commander Hector Chávez Bustillos, nicknamed "Chabelo", ministerial police assigned to Isla Mujeres.

Local media reports that AK-47 shells were found there.

The Ministry of Public Security of Quintana Roo informed that the security protocols were activated after the incident.

A few minutes before the attack, other shots were reported in other parts of the city, which turned out to be wrong.

The Attorney General of Quintana Roo informs by an information sheet that criminal experts and ministerial police officers are working inside the police department. Annex to the restaurant in which a shooting took place on Friday, July 27 at night.

"The investigating authority continues on the scene to gather and prosecute the crime scene to provide verifiable information on how the events were reported to the victims. "the document dictates.

With the information of Renan Quintal *

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