Shortage of vaccines exposes newborns to a risk of hepatitis B


Faced with the shortage of Hepatitis B vaccine against the Ministry of Health, 1500 newborns were not vaccinated against this disease, stemming from this problem caused by international laboratories that do not do not store, not knowing when

This was announced by Isaís López Muñoz, head of the Immunization Zone of the Sanitary Jurisdiction 5, who explained that there are 47 health units that n? have not the vaccine for newborns, a problem that has been facing since January, estimating that the shortage continues in the following weeks, suggesting that provisionally this biological is received in the month of August.

Faced with this situation, the Sanitary Jurisdiction has documented each of the cases of newborns who have not received this vaccine and at the time of having biological, they will be called immediately for the treatment. apply, but the problem was not generated by the Secretary of State Health, which has generated a climate of uncertainty in this part of the state.

It was acknowledged that there are parents who have shown dissatisfaction due to the lack of this drug because it is not found in any health center. or clinic and although the explanation was given, they consider that something must be done and that the children are not in danger because they are not protected because they are not vaccinated against hepatitis B.

not only the area is facing, but an equal situation is living the country and the world, because the laboratories that develop this vaccine have ceased to provide it for unknown reasons. [19659006] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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