Showdown leaves two dead at Reynosa [Estados] – 05/07/2018


Tamaulipas .- Armed confrontation between state police and civilians who traveled in a van left a dead soldier, several others seriously injured, a discouraged offender and a civilian unrelated to the facts These facts show that escalating violence prevailing in the city of Reynosa seems to have no end, with ongoing confrontations with guns led by groups criminals and elements of the security forces. kidnappings and executions are on the agenda

The clash took place in the streets of the Puerta del Sol, Puerta Grande, Hacienda del Sol settlements, around 18:00, when the elements of the police did a surveillance tour. and suddenly they found a convoy of about 15 trucks with gunmen who, when they saw the police unit, used their weapons.

his assault took by surprise to the elements of the police who in reacting had already suffered the loss of one of its elements and five others with serious injuries by cooking that made the occupants of a truck Chevrolet, sand-colored, as the rest of the convoy's units fled.

Location of the facts arrived at the aid of the police attacked units of the State Police, military and elements of the National Gendarmerie, that began the search for delinquents for the settlements that lie between the Reynosa viaduct and the south highway without success.

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