Shuhei Yoshida: AAA games are the ones that lead the industry


Since its inception in the industry, the PlayStation has been shown to be engaged in developing, publishing and promoting AAA games, many of which focused on the single player. Currently, the most important issues of Sony and its studios are titles of this type and millions of players have recognized the effort of the company and the brand to continue down this path. Recently, Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, talked about the PlayStation position today and spoke out in favor of developing AAA games in a time dominated by multiplayer and games as a service .

MCVUK Shuhei Yoshida referred to the state of the industry at the present time and the idea that deprives the divisions and studios of PlayStation of the development of important titles that are not defined by current trends, either as multiplayer experiences or games as a service. At first the director spoke about the development of AAA games at that time: "On the one hand, in the AAA field, the scale and technology of game development have increased so much that it seems like we are making a big bet Every time we start with a project, in the end, if everything has been executed correctly, the result is a great fusion of art with the technology that offers hours and hours of interactive entertainment in the big worlds, ready to be explored with characters Although, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the development of AAA games represents a great investment and sometimes goes through complicated times, Yoshida considered a way that should be followed as those Titles remain the engine of the industry: "because of the size of the investment, each title is considered too important to go bankrupt, which creates a pr huge ession in his management. These games are what guide the industry so that it becomes a form of entertainment more and more popular. We must push the art of creating AAA games.

Finally, the president of Sony Worldwide Studios has acknowledged that the current conditions of development of AAA games limit the space to take risks, however, he also considered that It is operated by studios and creative Independent, who have more leeway: "on the other hand, it is a golden age for independent developers. Engines like Unity and Unreal offer talented people and small teams around the world the opportunity to create great games that can be released to a global audience. Although the number of AAA projects is small and there is a choice to avoid risks, there is a vast and vast field for the type of games that independents usually create, in which they can explore and succeed. I am a big fan of independent games and I love fresh experiences and artistic expressions. The indies direct innovation and experimentation in the industry and it is important to have this scenario to continue support and prosper the market. "

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