SICA summit concludes with agreements for the region | news


The Presidents of System of Integration of Central America ( SICA ) met this Saturday at 51 Meeting of Heads of State and Government in the Dominican Republic, where Addressed Important Issues for the Region

When the day ended, issued a statement on the challenges to be met to strengthen the institutional framework of the institution.

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In the document, they affirmed that " the new moments require decisive decisions and actions that allow us to move forward. significantly in deepening the process of regional integration ". This, for greater opportunities and benefits for people, they have ensured.


In this regard, they added that co-ordination with third countries or groups of countries would be "appropriate" to achieve the described principles of integration.

In addition, they announced the preparation of a plan of action to strengthen the conservation and protection of the environment, and risk management in the face of climate change and disaster risk.

>> The SICA Summit in the Dominican Republic continues

Regarding ] migrations and the situation of Central American families affected by the policy of the United States Government, the SICA undertook to evaluate the causes and consequences of the migration of the population of the region to present a plan of action to the Meeting of Presidents of the organization, and thus give it global attention to the issue.


The representatives called for the end of the violence in Nicaragua, approved the dialogue table proposed by the government of Daniel Ortega and expressed their confidence in the peaceful resolution of the conflict .

] Migrant Children

Similarly, SICA Presidents called for the respect of the human rights of children and adolescents of Central America to United States

At the same time, they called for the creation of protection I migrants with a focus on children and adolescents and the need to adopt measures to reunite separated families

>> Presidents of SICA member countries meet in the Dominican Republic

On the other hand, they appreciate the decree signed on June 20 by US President Donald Trump, who put end to the extent that led to the separation of children and adolescents from their families.

The Presidents of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, were present at the meeting; from Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado; Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén; from Panama, Juan Carlos Varela; from Guatemala, Jimmy Morales; and Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández.

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